The AIE Method
Understanding your unique strengths, challenges, and goals is integral to our approach.
Our goal is to establish an authentic partnership with our clients, which requires collaboration, transparency, and commitment to doing the work- together. With this goal mind, we partner with every client to gather “Foundation Building Assets” and data that will allow us to customize your support (examples of assets are outlined below). We also meet with every client for an initial consultation call to determine which type of engagement and which of our 4 focus areas most aligns with your goals.
Short-Term Engagements
AIE short-term engagements (STEs) are 1-4 days of direct service or facilitation with school leaders and/or teachers. These engagements refresh or fine-tune foundational practices for effective school leaders and teachers. Sample PDs from previous short-term engagements include:
ILT (Instructional Leadership Team) Fundamentals
Inclusive Engagement: Moving students from compliance to empowered learners
Classroom Routines & Procedures (1.0 & 2.0 versions available)
Meetings that Matter: Aligning purpose with format and frequency
Pricing for STEs is by project and will be calculated following an initial consultation meeting with the AIE team.
Long-Term Engagements
AIE long-term engagements (LTEs) are 9-12 month contracts in which we work with leaders to build and execute on strategy. LTEs include a full scope and sequence that builds towards attaining a measurable goal by the end of a school year. Sample long-term engagements from previous clients include:
Creating & Monitoring Objective & Key Results (OKRs)
Building & Sustaining A Distributive Leadership Team
Moving Towards Mastery: A year-long plan for mastering data analysis and creating response plans
Feedback-Rich Cultures: Building equitable practices of feedback and accountability
Pricing for LTEs is project- or retainer-based and will be calculated following an initial consultation meeting with the AIE team.
Foundation building assets
We know positive outcomes for students depend on a strong foundation created by adults. Following our initial consultation call, we will determine which “Foundation Building Assets” from the menu below are essential for us to customize your support plan. Generally, we require 1-2 assets for short-term engagements and 3-4 for long-term engagements.
Format (in-person or virtual): A meeting with the AIE team and leaders who will sponsor the implementation of your customized support plan. These individuals typically include school and instructional leaders, CEOs, Chief Academic Officers, Associate Superintendents, etc.
Format (in-person only): A full day of observations to get a snapshot of instruction, school culture and use of data in action. These typically include observations across multiple classrooms and ideally a staff convening such as teacher PD, instructional leadership team meeting or departmental/ grade-level meeting.
Format (in-person or virtual): One, two or three ~60-minute meetings with a diverse range of stakeholders representing your school community to discuss strengths, challenges and aspirations. Focus groups attendees often include some combination of parents, teachers, school support staff, school leaders and students.
Format (in-person or virtual): At least a total of four artifacts that reflect a. school wide practices (e.g. a vision for culture, a behavior management system, school-wide routines, etc) b. samples of student work in Literacy and Math across multiple grade-levels c. a professional development session plan for leaders and/or staff and d. A template for staff development such as a check-in document, data analysis process, etc. Please note, if some of the artifacts are not available or do not exist, do not fret- we can include some of these supports and systems into your customized development plan!
Please note, all clients are required to complete a “Client Overview” survey and identity the staff members who will serve as the primary point of contact with the AIE team as part of our project kickoffs.